The Verkhovna Rada approved the creation of an electronic register of conscripts

16 January 2024 4 minutes Author: Newsman

What will change?

On January 16, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 10062 on the creation of a single electronic register of conscripts and automated assignment of combatant status. The draft law contributes to the rapid collection of data on servicemen and the transition of services to servicemen to a digital format (electronic military ID).

It was presented by People’s Deputy from the “Voice” party Yaroslav Yeereznyak. According to him, the decision was supported by 249 people’s deputies.

Digitization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will allow them to be more mobile and effective both on the battlefield and in the rear

According to the Ministry of Defense, draft law 10062 is critically important for Ukraine’s defense capability. The implementation of its provisions will facilitate the rapid collection, processing and use of military data, which will ultimately translate military services and processes into a convenient digital format. The draft law gives the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine the opportunity to strengthen cyber defense and the right to place IT systems in military cloud storage of NATO member countries.

Digitization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will allow them to be more mobile and effective both on the battlefield and in the rear

  1. Air defenses, which currently protect the country’s data centers from continuous missile attacks, will be released (instead, this resource will be used to cover other military and civilian infrastructure);
  2. The Armed Forces of Ukraine will have faster and wider access to the intelligence data of allies;
  3. Strengthening data protection against hostile cyber attacks.
  4. The draft law provides for the improvement of the registration of conscripts, conscripts and reservists, in particular, the establishment of interaction between registers and the use of military registration data.

The draft law introduces the possibility of creating and using electronic military registration documents (certificates). The draft law will create a register of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service and will allow services to be provided to servicemen online. A portal of electronic services for military personnel and conscripts is also being created. For example, it will be possible to provide the status of a combatant online, offline and automatically if the necessary data is available in the system.

What data should be included in the list of conscripts?

Information collected by state authorities for purposes known to citizens will be processed by other bodies, starting from TSK and ending with SBU. The draft law provides for the transfer to the Ministry of Defense of data on citizens between the ages of 17 and 60, contained in various state registration bodies, including the Tax Administration, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the CEC and the National Migration Service.

In addition to standard information such as name, address and place of employment, the following documents are collected on all conscripts between the ages of 17 and 60:

  • Information about criminal records
  • Information about knowledge of a foreign language
  • Information about the right to bear arms
  • Information about the parents of the conscript
  • Phone numbers and email addresses
  • Presence or absence of a driver’s license
  • Details of domestic and foreign passports and personal identification number – Information about foreign trips
  • The register also contains a digital image of the conscript. (This means that faces will be digitized and can be identified by street cameras)

In addition, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine prepared a new version of the bill on mobilization. The document takes into account all the proposals agreed with the People’s Deputies at the meeting of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence. The government plans to submit a new version of the bill on mobilization to the Verkhovna Rada in the near future. According to People’s Deputy Yaroslav Zaliznyak, deputies can discuss changes to the bill on mobilization already in January.

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