Learn about the elimination of elite Russian special forces from the Senezh unit. The article presents the names, ranks and details of the operations that led to their deaths. Reveal the whole truth about the secret operations of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.”
In the “Senezh” special unit, there is a cruel ritual known as the “blood rite”, which graduates undergo after completing their studies. They, as members of sabotage and intelligence groups, infiltrate the territory of Ukraine with the task of killing a Ukrainian. If it is not possible to catch a military person, a civilian becomes the victim.
On January 10, 2024, during one of the attacks organized by the “Senezh” unit, Valentina Andrushko (name changed for security reasons) from the village of Kostobobriv, which is located 1 km from the border with Russia, lost her husband.
“He went to take our son to the hospital. It was early, still dark. I waited for him to come back, but he wasn’t there. The phone wasn’t answered, and there were gunshots outside. I knew something terrible had happened before it was confirmed. His car was completely shot. There was no life left in it – Valentina, a resident of the border village with Russia
“Workers and I were repairing the power grid on the outskirts of the village when we heard that the FPV was approaching. We went our separate ways so as not to become a target. So that there would not be a crowd of people. This saved our lives. When we returned, our official car was on fire,” says Andriy Ivanovich, headman village of Gremyach
Ukrainian special services have been hunting for the “Senezh” military unit for more than a year, as these special forces are considered top-secret and particularly dangerous.
The liquidation of Russian soldiers from the “Senezh” unit is the result of the complex and painstaking work of the Ukrainian special services, the methods of which remain classified. In August, it became known about the liquidation of several members of this unit, and a month earlier, Ivan Afanasyev, “a native of a Buryat village”, was liquidated. However, at that time the Ukrainian special services did not manage to get the body of the liquidated person.
During a search of a forest area, the Ukrainian military in the Chernihiv region came across an ambush by the DRG, which led to a melee in which several Russian special forces were eliminated, including Major Afanasyev from the “Senezh” unit.
“Senezh” is an elite unit of the Special Operations Forces of the Russian Federation. It was created in March 1999 as the 322nd training center for GRU specialists (military unit 92154) in the Moscow region. In 2009, the Department of Special Operations was established on the basis of this center, which reports to the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. The unit is considered one of the most secret and dangerous in Russia.
The “Senezh” training center, located in the Moscow region (military unit 99450), performs the functions of both a combat unit and an educational center for the training of military personnel. Similar centers also operate in Kubinka and Sevastopol (temporarily occupied Crimea).
Senezh’s main activities include deep reconnaissance, rear operations, such as attacks on logistics lines and communications, as well as sabotage aimed at destroying infrastructure and conducting psychological operations.
“Senezh” is a semi-secret and elite unit of the Russian Special Operations Forces. It is known that they took part in various “operations”, in particular in Syria. There, the unit carried out local special operations, including conducting airstrikes, training Bashar al-Assad’s forces and carrying out diversionary tasks behind the front line. During the Syrian campaign, “Senezh” carried out operations for point liquidation of important targets and carrying out sabotage actions. Videos dedicated to this unit are available on the YouTube channel of the Russian SSO.
During the annexation of Crimea, the “Senezh” unit operated without official identification, known as “little green men”, which created the prerequisites for the capture of the peninsula by Russia. It is assumed that this unit took part in hostilities in Donbas in 2014-2015. In 2023, “Senezh” was transferred to the Belgorod region to carry out anti-sabotage operations and protect border areas due to the intensification of the partisan movement in the Kharkiv and Sumy regions bordering Ukraine.
In general, groups such as “Senezh” are engaged in sabotage and intelligence. In 2023, about 60 cases of Russian subversive intelligence groups trying to break through the border were confirmed. One of the cases is an attempt to infiltrate Kharkiv region, which borders the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. It was there in 2023 that the “Senezh” special forces were based.
At the beginning of August this year, information about liquidated fighters of the Russian “Senezh” appeared on the Internet.
Five Russian soldiers associated with the “Senezh” unit were eliminated during the fighting in Chernihiv Oblast in July 2024. All of them had officer positions.
During the investigation, a group was discovered in the Russian social network VK, where supporters of the SSO of the Russian Federation, as well as, probably, some members of this unit, are gathered.
Military personnel for the “Senezh” center are selected from the army special forces and intelligence units. Despite its non-publicity, “Senezh” is an elite unit of the Russian Federation, from whose actions civilians in the border regions often suffer, which indicates the terrorist nature of their operations. The hunt for “Senezh” fighters continues, and experts continue to collect information about those involved in this group, which probably has hundreds of soldiers.