More than 500,000 affected by data breach at Texas Dow Employees Credit Union due to MOVEit attack

26 August 2024 2 minutes Author: Newsman

The Texas Dow Employees Credit Union data breach affected more than 500,000 people through an attack on the MOVEit software by the Russian-speaking hacker group Cl0p.

Texas Dow Employees Credit Union (TDECU) has notified more than 500,000 of its members that their personal information was compromised as a result of a cyber attack on the MOVEit software. The attack, which was carried out by the Russian-speaking group Cl0p, became known on May 31, 2023, when Progress Software discovered a zero-day vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer (CVE-2023-34362). As a result of this attack, more than 2,700 organizations and about 96 million people were affected. The compromised data included names, dates of birth, social security numbers, bank accounts, credit card numbers, driver’s licenses and other sensitive data.

Since the discovery of the MOVEit Transfer vulnerability in 2023, cybersecurity incidents related to this program have become some of the most serious in the world. The Russian-speaking group Cl0p used this vulnerability to steal data belonging to thousands of organizations around the world. Texas Dow Employees Credit Union was one of the many victims of this massive campaign.

Texas Dow Employees Credit Union assures that their internal network has not been compromised and there are currently no known cases of fraud involving stolen data. However, the organization offers victims 12 months of free credit monitoring and recommends taking additional steps to protect their finances.

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