Determining the exact location of a person is a difficult task and not all methods are effective. An interesting tool for determining the location was found among a pile of organic garbage. In the article, I will introduce you to the Seeker tool, with which you can get information about the user, including the exact location. I will show you how to install, configure and use Seeker in Kali Linux, Widows. Seeker – A script for finding a person’s location. By following the link, ngrok is also used. Seeker uses HTML5, Javascript, JQuery and PHP to capture device and geolocation information with high accuracy. Seeker finds the exact location of a smartphone using social engineering. The concept of Seeker is simple, just like we put up phishing pages to get credentials, why not put up a fake page that asks for your location like many popular location based websites. Seeker runs a fake website on an embedded PHP server and uses ngrok or Serveo to create a link that will create a tunnel and redirect the target to the created site.
This tool is a proof of concept and is for educational purposes only. Seeker shows what data a malicious website can collect about you and your devices, and why you shouldn’t click on random links and grant critical permissions like location and more. Usually, if the user accepts location permission, the accuracy of the received information is about 30 meters, the accuracy depends on the device.
Waiting for ngrok to download:
Copy the link. We go to any portal for shortening links. For example https://bitly.com/ We shorten the link to make it less expensive. The victim now follows the generated link and allows access to geolocation. At this stage, it all depends on your AI skill. After the victim clicks on the magic button, you will receive data about his location.