Tmux Cheat Sheet, everything you need to know

12 December 2023 4 minutes Author: Cyber Witcher

We’ll walk you through everything you need to effectively use Tmux, a powerful terminal management tool. From basic commands and shortcuts to advanced session and panel management techniques, the Tmux Cheat Sheet provides you with quick pointers and tips to optimize your command line experience.

Tmukh Chet Shet

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to manage multiple terminal sessions in a single window. It provides a number of productivity-enhancing features, such as session management, window splitting, and session disconnection. In this article I am going to create a tmux cheat sheet for your perusal. So let’s get started!


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How to install Tmux on Ubuntu

To install tmux on Ubuntu, you can use a package manager called apt. Here is a step-by-step guide to installing tmux.

Steps to follow >

1. Open terminal on your Ubuntu system using Ctrl+Alt+T key combination.

2. Update the package lists and any existing packages on your system by running the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

3. A prompt will ask for your password. Enter your password to continue.

4. After the package update process is complete, you can install tmux by running the following command:

sudo apt install tmux

5. Press ENTER to continue the installation.

6. Once the installation is complete, you can verify that tmux is installed by running the following command:

tmux -V

Once the installation is complete, you will see the tmux version number printed on the terminal.

A list of some useful shortcuts for managing Tmux on your distro

Tmux is a powerful terminal multiplexer that allows you to manage multiple sessions, windows, and panels in a single window. It offers functions such as detach and attach, copy and paste, customization and scripting, improving your productivity and workflow in the terminal.

Tmux sessions

In tmux, sessions are a fundamental concept that allows you to manage and organize terminal sessions. A session in tmux is a container that contains one or more windows, providing a way to group related terminal activities. You can use the following shortcut to create or manage a session.

Windows management

To create or maneuver a window in tmux, you can use the following keyboard shortcut.

Note. Note that when using tmux, keystrokes have two parts: a prefix and a command. The prefix is usually CTRL+B (Cb), you need to press and release first and then quickly press the desired command. This two-step process allows you to perform certain actions in tmux. For example, CTRL-B C means that when you simultaneously press CTRL-B and then release them and then press C, tmux will create a new window in the current session.

Control panels

In tmux, panels are partitions in a window that allow you to divide the terminal screen into several independent sections. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use while working in tmux.

Session management

Session management is an important aspect of working with tmux. You can disconnect from the session without losing your work and reconnect later. Here’s an overview of session management in tmux.

Copy mode

In tmux, the copy mode allows you to scroll through the displayed terminals and select and copy text for later use. It provides a convenient way to review previously issued commands or copy important information without leaving your tmux session.


Tmux provides various variables that can be used to configure and customize its behavior. These variables are usually defined in the .tmux.conf configuration file in your home directory. Here are some commonly used tmux variables:


Here are a few different functions and commands you can use when working with tmux.


This article covers some basic commands and keyboard shortcuts related to the tmux cheat sheet, such as session management, window and panel manipulation, copy-paste, and customization. Using the cheat sheet, you can improve terminal performance by efficiently managing sessions, windows, and panels, and customizing tmux to suit your needs.

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