The article describes how volunteers used open sources to locate the Russian propagandist based on details from a video showing a cat. They used features of the area visible in the video, such as objects outside the window and tram routes, to determine the exact location of the shooting.
The Telegram channel called “Kit Barmaley” actively spreads Russian propaganda, supports aggression against Ukraine and glorifies the actions of the Russian military. At the time of writing this article, 21 thousand users have subscribed to the channel.
The Telegram channel’s mascot is a cat named “Barmalei”, presumably stolen from the occupied territory of Ukraine. In the description of the channel, it is stated that the cat, on whose behalf the communication is allegedly conducted, was born in the war zone and “serves” in the Southern group of troops.
In December 2023, a video of a cat looking out the window was published on the channel. At first glance, the video seems completely uninformative, and it would seem impossible to determine the location. However, it was possible to do this thanks to the diligent work of volunteers who managed to find the necessary clues in the details.
First, it was necessary to analyze in detail the platform on which the video was published. Based on previously collected data, the volunteers managed to find out that the author of the Telegram channel is in Moscow. This assumption was confirmed with the help of artificial intelligence using the tool geospy.ai. The AI identified the location in the video as Moscow, Russia, but was unable to pinpoint the address.
Volunteers watched the video frame by frame. At the third second, they took a screenshot that contained key objects outside the window. This shot became the starting point for a detailed analysis and search for the exact shooting location.
Having already analyzed the screenshot itself, you can identify several main objects in the frame:
the high-rise building itself, from the window of which, obviously, they were filming. It has wide windows on the facade and narrow windows in the center;
tall pillar;
a building of a non-standard (disproportionate) shape with a rounded projection;
a circular platform with a tram track;
a white rectangular shed with a square and rectangular window;
another gray shed with blue trim, a gray roof, a blue door, and a small square window;
tree (at the level of probably 4-5 floors).
The window itself plays a significant role in the identification of the place.
A few key details can be seen behind the window: a wide window sill along both sashes, a wooden and old window with a clearly visible non-new handle, and shutters on the window. In the last seconds of the video, it can be seen that a mosquito net is installed on the narrow sash. These small but important details will later help determine the floor on which the recording was made. However, for now, let’s pay attention to the elements that are outside the window and need analysis.
The video also captured a blue bus and two trams — an important clue that will become key in the investigation. Volunteers carefully collect information about all Moscow tram routes, which will narrow down the possible shooting locations.
After an unsuccessful attempt to identify the location of the shooting through the end stops, the volunteers decided to carefully check all the tram routes one by one. On route #4, they came across a round area that visually matched the objects on the screenshot. The volunteers focused their attention on this area, where the tram tracks surrounded several buildings.
Exploring this area using a panoramic view and changing angles in Yandex.Maps, the volunteers managed to determine the exact address of the house from the window of which the video was shot.
The address where the video was made: 111033, Moscow, Krasnokazarmenna Square, building 1.
Coordinates: 55.758551, 37.686705.
It turned out that the building at this address is serviced by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Housing and communal services 11 branch of FSBU “CZhKU” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is part of the structure responsible for housing and communal services for the facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This service is engaged in the operation and maintenance of buildings and structures of the Ministry of Defense, including military camps, residential buildings and other infrastructure facilities.
The Federal State Budget Institution “Central Housing and Communal Administration” (FGBU “CZhKU”) manages housing and communal facilities of the Ministry of Defense throughout Russia. Each branch, including JKS 11, has its own area of responsibility, which may cover certain regions or individual military facilities.
Now it’s time to determine which floor the video was taken from. Google Street View will be useful for this. By using the address and analyzing the available photos of the house, one can see the perspective opposite the track arc. In one such image, two poles are highlighted in yellow, and trees similar to those in the video are visible. This allows you to focus on the windows located in the part of the building highlighted by the red square in the screenshot. It is these windows that may indicate the floor from which the video was shot.
Google street view for 2014 has a photo of a house without leaves on the trees. This allows you to accurately determine the floor.
Another perspective from Yandex.
This window really doesn’t match what we’re looking for, as a wide air conditioner would be visible in the video. It is likely that the narrow window to the right of the air conditioner is the one we need. In the next photo, you can see that this window is located opposite the top of the tree, matching the details seen in the video.
It was on the windowsill of this narrow window that the cat “Barmalei” was sitting, which was filmed by the administrator of the propaganda telegram channel. The video, which was taken from this window, begins with the cat looking in the direction between two pillars that can be seen outside the window. This confirms that we have found the right shooting location.
It was determined that the filming was conducted from the fifth floor of the building, which serves the Russian Ministry of Defense. Since the video was posted on December 11, 2023, it is likely that the owner of the cat, who may be the administrator of a propaganda Telegram channel, was living there during that period.
So, the volunteers were able to establish the location from the video using simple OSINT tools. This demonstrates that even the simplest tools and methods, if applied competently and with attention to detail, can lead to successful solutions to complex problems.