On February 21, 2024, Signal, a popular end-to-end encrypted messenger, announced that it is testing a new feature that allows users to create unique usernames. This initiative aims to provide the ability to hide phone numbers from third parties, while maintaining the privacy of communication.
Usernames are different from profile names and do not serve as logins.
To create a username, you must add two or more digits to the end of the name (eg axolotl.99).
Users can change usernames an unlimited number of times.
Signal also implements privacy settings that allow users to control who can see their phone number and who can find them by number. These settings are available under Settings > Privacy.
These changes allow Signal users to maintain greater anonymity and control over their privacy by not sharing their phone number with other users of the platform. Signal encourages users to update their privacy settings and use the new username feature to ensure more secure communications.