The Arduino community is already well known for its huge number of members, and it continues to grow rapidly. During its existence, the community created many libraries. Here is a list of unusual, interesting and useful libraries with links to GitHub or the developer’s site. This list does not include specialized libraries for working with modules and shields – you can find them on Google by the name of the chip. Only universal libraries are collected here. These libraries cover a wide range of interfaces such as I2C, SPI, UART and are used for data transfer, communication with sensors and control of external devices. With the help of these libraries, you can easily connect components and ensure that they interact effectively, making them indispensable for Arduino-based projects.
Communication using the GBUS protocol. Two-way communication of the Arduino network on one wire.
A powerful library for communication through the Serial port, with its own parser and a bunch of tricks.
A standard library for creating TTL Serial on any two pins, allows you to create an additional port for communication with Bluetooth/GPS/GSM.
Library for communication using the one wire protocol, for example DS18b20 temperature sensors.
A more powerful version of SerialControl, allows commands to the port to spin servos, scan i2c and much more!
A library for working with musical devices using the MIDI protocol (via Serial, any Arduino is suitable).
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