Selection of reliable employees, use of OSINT methods

10 June 2024 5 minutes Author: Cyber Witcher

Learn how to test the credibility of candidates using OSINT techniques. Using open sources of information, HR specialists can prevent the risks associated with hiring unscrupulous employees. In the article, you will find tips on checking candidates’ professional experience, social media, criminal record and medical examination. Make sure that your new employee is in line with corporate values ​​and does not pose a threat to the company.

What is HR intelligence?

It is the process of using OSINT to gather information about potential or current employees. Based on the received data, the HR department can make decisions about hiring new candidates or continuing cooperation with current employees. Using OSINT methods to screen and find personnel is a profitable investment for the company, as it helps to avoid the risks associated with the wrong selection of personnel, such as:

  • Data security. Candidates who have access to sensitive information may pose a potential data security threat if they are malicious. In this situation, using OSINT to locate employees is the company’s primary need.

  • Unprofessionalism of the candidate. Without an OSINT check, it can be difficult for recruiters to determine whether a person is an expert in their field. In addition, hiring an already competent employee will cost the company additional time and money.

  • Legal risks. Applicants who have not been screened by Personnel Information Services may have a history of violations. In turn, this can create problems for the company in the future.

  • Violation of corporate culture. It is important to make sure that new employees fit into the company’s corporate culture. For example, Is a person Russian.

  • Reputational risks. Hiring someone with a bad reputation or trying to cheat can negatively affect the reputation of the company itself. No one wants to be associated with criminals.

What is checked when hiring?

Screening candidates when searching for applicants is a multi-component task. Various aspects of the resume should be evaluated to ensure that the candidate meets the job requirements and corporate standards. Here are some essential points to research when looking for an employee:

  • Professional experience and qualifications. First of all, OSINT for HR verifies the relevance of previous work, work experience, field experience, education and other professional aspects. This stage is necessary in order to make sure that the real biography and the description in the resume match.

  • Checking for violations. This stage includes a criminal record, credit history and administrative offense check, which may depend on the type of work and the company’s requirements.

  • Overview of social networks. Social networks often reflect a person’s opinion, so modern companies check this resource to make sure that the candidate meets the requirements of the corporate culture. This facilitates the process of finding applicants and forming a strong team.

  • Medical examination. Some employers may require a medical examination, especially when performing certain types of work that require physical abilities or have a certain risk to health. For example, food service workers must undergo a full medical examination for the safety of their colleagues and customers.

Who especially needs it. Open Source recruiting?

Safe search of applicants should be an important stage in personnel selection for companies in any field. However, in some regions such a check must be mandatory to comply with safety requirements. Personnel scouting is a necessary stage in the selection of personnel for:

  • Ministry of Defense and Security. With national security and sensitive information at stake, personnel information is necessary to ensure that candidates are not associated with the enemy. For example, does a person have a business or connection in Russia.Searching for job seekers based on the OSINT method is especially important now, for obvious reasons.

  • Public sector. Screening using OSINT for HR is necessary because employees often access sensitive information, make decisions that affect society, and hold positions of responsibility. Public OSINT verification results are a guarantee of transparency.

  • Companies in the field of financial and banking services. In this area, it is necessary to make sure that the candidates have an impeccable reputation and that they are not associated with histories of financial crimes or fraud. This is associated not only with reputational risk, but also with a potential threat to the real resources of the company, customers and partners. It is also important to check their credit history and access to confidential information.

  • Mass media. Since the media are the voice of public opinion, we must be sure that only people with an impeccable reputation can access them. For example, the search for employees with elements of the OSINT method should protect the media from hiring original propagandists and biased people.

  • Information security industry. In this field, it is important to ensure that candidates have a high level of knowledge in cyber security and have no history of cyber criminals. If you skip this step during your job search, you run the risk of hacking threats and data theft.

  • Medical field. In the medical field, it is important to check the candidate’s license, professional reputation and history of medical practice. This ensures the safety of patients and the quality of proper medical care.

The information was taken from open sources Molfar

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