Improve your network security with Kali Linux: Learn how to effectively protect your home network Network security is an extremely important aspect in today’s digital world. There are many threats that networks face, including unauthorized access, password cracking, and theft of sensitive information. Fortunately, however, there are tools to help ensure network security, and Kali Linux is one of the most effective. Our seo guide offers you a step-by-step breakdown of how to use Kali Linux to hack your own network and uncover potential vulnerabilities. You’ll learn how to perform penetration testing, port scanning, vulnerability analysis, and more. Our expert advice will help you improve the security of your network, identify potential problems and take the necessary measures to protect yourself.
This guide is intended for both beginners who are just starting their journey in the world of cyber security, and for experienced users who want to deepen their knowledge and skills. Regardless of your level of experience, you will be able to gain practical skills and understanding of the process of hacking a network and protecting against potential threats. Don’t risk the security of your network. Order our seo guide now and become an expert in improving your network security using Kali Linux. Protect your data and network resources from unauthorized access and hackers with our help.
Kali Linux is a security-oriented operating system that can be run anywhere from a CD or USB device. With a built-in set of tools, you can crack Wi-Fi passwords, create fake networks, and check for other vulnerabilities. Today we will tell you how to check network security with its help.
Kali Linux comes with many programs to scan your network for security holes. There are too many to list here, but we liked the system so much that we decided to pick some of our favorites and show them how they work: Aircrack, Airbase, and ARPspoof. We’ll show you how to spoof your Wi-Fi password, create a fake router to trick computers into connecting to it, and use man-in-the-middle to spy on network traffic. Remember that these opportunities should be used for good, not for committing crimes. Such knowledge can help you solve problems or improve the security of your own network. But we do not recommend trying them on others.
Kali Linux comes with a whole bunch of Wi-Fi hacking software, including Aircrack and Reaver. However, WEP passwords are not that common anymore (because they are easy to crack) and Reaver only works if the network is protected by WPS. So we’ll look at Aircrack and use it to pick a password for a WPA network (using a password list).
First, disconnect from all wireless networks. Then open a terminal. To use Aircrack, you need a wireless card that supports injections. Enter this command in the terminal to verify that their card supports it:
A list of supported wireless cards will appear on the screen. If your card doesn’t support injection, it won’t be there. Then it most likely shows up in the interface as wlan0, but it depends on your machine.
Then enter:
airmon-ng start wlan0
Replace wlan0 with your card’s interface address. The terminal should return a message about activation of monitoring.
Monitor your network
Now we will get a list of all networks in our area and track ours.
airodump-ng mon0
You will see a list of all the networks in your area. Find yours in it and copy its BSSID, paying attention to the channel at the same time. Press Ctrl+C to stop the process.
Then type this command, replacing the data in parentheses with the information above:
airodump-ng -c (channel) --bssid (bssid) -w /root/Desktop/ (monitor interface)
It should come out something like this:
airodump-ng -c 6 --bssid 04:1E:64:98:96:AB -w /root/Desktop/ mon0
You will now be in control of your network. Four files will appear on your desktop. Skip them for now. We will need one of them later. You will then have to wait for the device to connect to the network. In our case, just open the device and connect to Wi-Fi. It will appear on the screen as a new station. Remember the number of this station, we will need it in the next step.
Now we call a forced connection to intercept the handshake between the computer and the router. Leave Airodump running and open a new terminal tab. Then enter:
aireplay-ng -0 2 -a (router bssid) -c (client station number) mon0
The result should look something like this:
aireplay-ng -0 2 -a 04:1E:64:98:96:AB -c 54:4E:85:46:78:EA mon0
You will see Aireplay send packets to your computer to trigger a reconnection. Go back to the Airodump tab and see the new WPA handshake number. If the number has indeed changed, you have successfully intercepted the handshake and can proceed with the malicious password.
We now have the router password in encrypted form, but it still needs to be calculated. To do this, use the list of passwords and try to get into the network using the sorting method. You can find such lists on the Internet, but Kali Linux has several small lists in the /usr/share/wordlists directory to help you get started. So we only use one of them. To start password cracking, enter:
aircrack-ng -a2 -b (router bssid) -w (path to wordlist) /Root/Desktop/*.cap
So, if we continue our example and take one of the standard lists, the command should look like this:
aircrack-ng -a2 -b (router bssid) -w (path to wordlist) /Root/Desktop/*.cap
Aircrack will figure out if one of these passwords is a match. If a matching password is found, you will receive a message that the key was found along with the password. If not, try another list of passwords until you find the right one. The longer the list, the longer the process will take, but the chance of successful selection will also increase.
So you’ve just signed in to your network using the consent method. Depending on the strength of your password, this can take anywhere from five minutes to five hours. If you use a simple phrase like “password123” as your password, chances are it will be easy to crack using one of the small lists. If the password is not that simple, it may take several hours to figure it out, or the hack may fail completely (if so, congratulations!). The best protection in this case is a strong password on the router. The longer and more complex the better. Make sure you are using WPA2 security protocol and not WPS.
Creating a fake network with Airbase
Next, let’s see how you can simulate a network so that people can connect and see what they’re doing. Hackers often do this by tricking you into a fake network (which you think is real) and then performing a man-in-the-middle attack (more on that in the next section) to harvest personal information from the traffic. This is very easy to do with a Kali Linux tool called Airbase.
In effect, you turn your Wi-Fi adapter on Kali Linux into an access point with the same name as another network. To do this, you need to do the same research as above, but with a slightly different ending.
As last time, you need to switch the card to traffic monitoring mode. Open a terminal and type:
A list of wireless cards that support this method will appear on the screen. Yours most likely shows up on the interface as wlan0.
Then enter:
airmon-ng start wlan0
You are now in monitoring mode. Time to find the network you want to fake.
To fake a router, you need information about it. So enter:
airodump-ng mon0
You will see all the networks available in your area. Find your network and copy the BSSID, remember its name and channel. It is this router that we will mount. Press Ctrl C to stop the process.
Now we will create a fake Airbase network. Enter the following command, replacing the data in parentheses with the information you collected in the previous step:
airbase-ng -a (BSSID of the router) --essid "(network name)" -c (channel) mon0
The result should be something like this:
airbase-ng -a 04:1E:64:98:96:AB --essid "MyNetwork" -c 11 mon0
That’s all. You have tampered with the router and created an identical clone with the same name, channel and SSID number. Unfortunately, computers on this network always automatically connect to a powerful router, so you need to boost the fake network’s signal.
iwconfig wlan0 txpower 27
This command will increase the power of the fake network to the allowed limit, so hopefully computers will automatically connect to it next time. If you don’t exceed 27, it won’t affect your network card. When a user connects to a dummy router, you end up on the same network. This means you can easily see what they are doing.
It is difficult to detect a fake network, but you can usually notice that the traffic is transmitted slowly or the login does not require a password. If you’re really worried about getting into a fake network, turn off automatic Wi-Fi connection so you have time to see which router you’re connecting to.
A man-in-the-middle attack is essentially eavesdropping on your network. You are blocking the network signal between the computer and the router without the computer knowing. We showed you how to intercept packets (sniffing), and today we’re using ARP vulnerabilities (spoofing) to gather that information. Both sniffing and spoofing involve listening to messages, but they work in slightly different ways. Sniffing is the interception of traffic by monitoring a network and masquerading as a spoof of that network. These attacks are often used to obtain passwords, images, and any other information you send over your network.
First, you need to force the machine running Kali Linux to redirect any traffic it receives so that the remote computer can access the Internet. Type this in the command prompt:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Thanks to this command, all information will be redirected after interception. In this way, your target computer will continue to communicate with the router when accessing the Internet and performing other communications.
Now we need to enable ARP spoofing. Because of this, the computer and the router will think that your Wi-Fi adapter is a bridge. After completing this operation successfully, you will be able to intercept the traffic going to your computer from the router and back.
To intercept traffic from your router, type the following command, replacing the information in brackets with your network information:
arpspoof -i wlan0 -t (router addresses) (remote computer addresses)
You’ll see a bunch of numbers output, signaling that everything is working. Let the command run while you open a new terminal tab and do the reverse:
arpspoof -i wlan -t (remote computer addresses) (router addresses)
Both commands should look something like this:
arpspoof -i wlan0 -t
Now all the traffic going between these two machines goes to Kali Linux. There are many tools for decrypting this data.
Let’s look at some of them. To track the URLs visited by your computer, open another terminal tab and type:
urlsnarf -i wlan0
A list of websites you have visited from the remote computer will appear on the screen.
If you’re more interested in the images, you can grab them too. Enter:
driftnet -i wlan0
A window will appear showing all the images being sent over the network. In general, if there is unencrypted data being transmitted between the router and the computer, you can see it.