Two online PDF creation services, PDF Pro and Help PDF, have leaked tens of thousands of user documents, including passports, driver’s licenses and other personal information.
That two online services for creating PDF documents, PDF Pro and Help PDF, merged more than 89 thousand documents of users. The documents included information such as passports, driver’s licenses, certificates and other personal data. Despite several attempts to contact the service providers, no response has been received and the open Amazon S3 bucket is still available to anyone at the time of publication. Users continue to download their documents, unaware of the data leak.
PDF Pro and Help PDF are online services for creating, converting and editing PDF documents, managed by a single UK company. The open Amazon S3 bucket contained 89,062 files, of which 87,818 were uploaded via PDF Pro and 1,244 via Help PDF.
Leaked documents can be used by criminals for fraudulent activities, such as obtaining loans, renting property or purchasing expensive goods in the name of the victim. Users are advised to immediately limit public access to the bucket, change access policies, and enable server-side encryption to protect data.