Hacker groups

5 May 2023 2 minutes Author: Lady Liberty

What are hacker groups?

All people face the fact that they need to choose who to be in life, that is, to choose a future profession. If you got to the portal, then you have probably already heard about the IT field and about who hackers are. A stereotype has formed in the human mind that hackers are criminals whose goal is to steal other people’s money or personal data for their own benefit. However, like all stereotypes, this belief is only partially true. Any grouping is an association of people connected by one idea. In our activity with you, these are very intelligent people, but very different; we would like them to have only good intentions. However, in the real world (and you and I are in the real world), this is far from the case, and among these people and organizations there are those who use their skills to the detriment of ordinary people or sell their data to interested parties, in particular governments, thanks to which the latter successfully conduct surveillance and control over the lives of citizens around the world.

Хакерські групи сьогодні є цілком реальною загрозою. Причому йдеться не про хакерів-аматорів, а про серйозні, професійні хакерські угруповання, що мають можливість проникати в мережі засобів масової інформації, мережі великих корпорацій, військових відомств, урядів… Проникати та сіяти хаос. Пройде зовсім небагато часу, і кібератаки розцінюватимуться як справжні воєнні дії, бо людей, які не вміють бігати зі зброєю, більше, ніж тих, що вміють. З огляду на це й жарти про диванні війська звучать не так уже й смішно, а цілком правдиво. Ми попрацювали за вас і хочемо представити добірку відомих та чимось славних угруповань.

A selection of hacker groups

Deep Panda​

One of China’s most advanced hacking groups, targeting many industries including government and defense.

Remix Kitten

Is an opponent of communication with Iran, which carries out purposeful incursions..


It is a cyberespionage group operating against targets in East Asia, particularly Taiwan and sometimes Japan.

Fancy Bear

Russian cyberespionage group. Associated with the Russian military Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).

Cozy Bear

Classified by the US federal government as an advanced persistent threat, APT29 is a Russian hacker group.


The cyber espionage group known as Barium, aka ART41, has hacked the systems of more than 100 global organizations.


A group working at the behest of the Chinese government.




Ukrainian hacker group.

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