Linux – a family of Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, which include one or another set of utilities and programs of the GNU project. Like the Linux kernel, the systems based on it are generally built and distributed according to the free and open source development model. Linux systems are distributed mainly free of charge in the form of various distributions – in a form ready to install and convenient for maintenance and updates – and have their own set of system and application components, both free and proprietary. Having appeared as a solution around the kernel created in the early 1990s, since the early 2000s Linux systems have been the main ones for supercomputers and servers, their use for embedded systems and mobile devices is expanding, and the systems have become somewhat widespread for personal computers And now let’s familiarize ourselves with the Linux tutorial. This tutorial introduces the basics of working in the Linux operating system based on the popular Ubuntu distribution. The manual consists of a glossary of basic concepts, appendices and sections covering the following topics: installation and configuration of the Linux operating system; using software in Linux; study and application of Linux tools to solve user, including educational, tasks. Now let’s find out some information about the tutorial.
The textbook is aimed, first of all, at computer science teachers who have decided to get to know Linux in practice in order to later switch to using this operating system in the educational process, but do not know where to start. At the same time, the textbook will be useful for anyone who wants to change your operating system on Linux. The systematized theoretical material of the guide and the presence of a large number of practical examples, with a detailed description of all steps and the possibility of independent implementation in various ways, will help make the transition to Linux easy and, undoubtedly, interesting. Since Linux is a multi-user operating system, there is a great need for an administrator who can manage user accounts, their rights, and overall system security to manage users in Linux. You should know the basics of Linux admin to be able to manage user accounts and user groups to manage users in Linux.
Create a user
Deleting, disabling the account
Adding users to user groups
Linux/Unix user management commands
In Linux, each user is assigned a separate account that contains all of the user’s files, information, and data. You can create multiple users on a Linux operating system using Linux user commands. Later in this Linux admin guide, we will learn how to create a user in the Linux admin system. To create a user, you need to perform the following steps:
Step 1) Use the sudo adduser command
Step 2) Enter the password for the new account and confirm
Step 3) Enter the details of the new user and press Y
Step 1) Go to system settings, find the icon “User accounts.
Step 2) Tap the unlock icon and enter your password when prompted, then tap the plus sign.
Step 3) A new window will appear asking you to add information to the new user account. The account type offers two options – standard and administration (Ubuntu limitation). If you want the new user to have administrative access to the computer, select Administrator as the account type. Administrators can add and remove users, install software and drivers, and change the date and time. Otherwise, select standard. Enter your full name, username and click Create.
Step 4) The new account will be displayed but will be disabled by default.
To activate it, click on the password option and add a new password. Click change to enable the account.
To disable an account using Terminal, remove the password set for the account.
sudo passwd -l ‘username’
To delete an account, use the command.
sudo userdel -r ‘username’
Step 1) Highlight the user account and click the minus sign to delete.
Step 2) To disable, click on the area where the password is stored and you will get the following message. Choose to disable this account and click change.
Check the user settings and the Manage Groups tab will appear
groupmod “Press Tab twice”
Now, to add a user to a group, use the following syntax:
sudo usermod -a -G GROUPNAME USERNAME
The system asks for authentication and then adds the user to the group. Use this command to check if a user is a member of a group.
And it will be shown as
Removing a user from a user group. Use the following syntax to delete a user.
sudo deluser USER GROUPNAME
If you don’t want to run Linux user commands in the terminal to manage users and groups, you can install an additional GUI component.
sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools
When finished, enter
admin users
Check the user settings and the Manage Groups tab will appear
This command is used to get information about users on a Linux machine. You can use it on both local and remote machines. The ‘finger’ syntax provides data about all registered users on the remote and local machine.
The “finger username” syntax specifies user information in Linux user administration.
User management in Linux is done using Linux administration commands. Here is a list of Linux user management commands: