Tor Router

11 May 2023 3 minutes Author: Lady Liberty

TOR – The Onion Router

“The Onion Router”… what kind of name is that? Actually a very good option… but it may need a little explanation. TOR is based on a routing technique called “onion routing”. Onion routing is a method developed by the USNRL (United States Naval Research Laboratory). This technique appeared in 1995 and was developed to ensure anonymity on the Internet. The name and logo imply the presence of a bow. This is because the onion consists of several layers that can be peeled before getting to the core. Each layer represents a TOR node (or TOR server) in the network. The moment you go online (browse the web and email) through TOR, your internet traffic takes a random path between the source and destination. This path runs between 3 or more TOR nodes.

The moment you send your data outside, this data is encrypted so that only the last node in the TOR network can decrypt it. Each server sees only the place where the traffic comes from (the previous node). Thus, the last node sees the data and does not know where the traffic came from, and all other nodes do not see the data. TOR router doesn’t touch system files like other tools to route your traffic and the reason is that there is no need to move files to route traffic, also moving files is a bad idea because there is a glitch in the script/tool can break connection with your system without you knowing what happened.


On BlackArch Linux:

In other Linux-based distributions:


For distributions that use systemd, you should use the script, but in any case, here is the process of installing/configuring tor-router.

This script requires superuser privileges

1. Place the following lines at the end of /etc/tor/torrc:

Restart the tor service:

Run the tor-router script as root:

Now all your traffic goes through TOR, you can check it on the following pages: and for DNS tests: To automate the script process you must add it to the SYSTEM autostart scripts according to which init you use, for systemd we have a .service file in the files folder.


Delete the tor-router configuration lines in /etc/tor/torrc, disable tor-router.service with systemctl (if you used the script), delete /usr/bin/tor-router, /etc/systemd/system/tor-router.service and reboot your computer.

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