In the first part, we told you about bots in Telegram, what and why they are needed, and what functions they perform. In this part we will touch on the history and security of Telegram, let’s get started. Telegram is a messenger developed by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai Durov, which was released in 2013. It has gained wide popularity due to its privacy features, security and wide range of features. The history of Telegram begins with the founding of Telegram Messenger LLP in 2013. Pavlo Durov, who previously founded the social network VKontakte, together with his brother Nikolai, created Telegram with the aim of providing encrypted and secure communication. Telegram quickly gained popularity among users, especially those who value the privacy and security of their messages. One of the main features of Telegram is its end-to-end encryption, which ensures the privacy of messages and protection from eavesdropping. Later, Telegram expanded its capabilities by adding group chats, channels, video calls, the ability to send documents and files of various types, a built-in video player, bots and other functions.
Telegram is known for its high security and privacy standards. Here are some key security aspects of Telegram: End-to-end encryption: All messages, files, images and videos sent in private chats are protected by strong end-to-end encryption. This means that only you and the recipient have access to the content of these messages. Secret Chats: Telegram provides a “Secret Chats” feature where all messages are end-to-end encrypted and can also be set to auto-destruct after a certain amount of time. This ensures even greater privacy and protection of information. Message destruction: Users can set a self-destruct timer for messages, which allows them to be automatically deleted from the chat after a set time. This allows for even greater privacy and control over sent messages. No ads: Telegram does not use special algorithms to track users and display ads. This allows you to preserve user privacy and avoid spam. Blocking and revoking access: Users can block and ban unwanted users and delete messages they have sent. This gives users control over their Telegram experience and protects them from unwanted contacts. In general, Telegram is defined by its high level of security and privacy, providing users with the means to protect their personal information and ensure the privacy of their communications. However, it is important to remember that security also depends on the user, who must be careful when sharing sensitive information and follow best practices for using the messenger. Well, after we learned the history and security, we can continue to familiarize ourselves with the useful bots that constantly help in the war.
For this there is a… Bot. Just tweet @BotFather and follow their instructions. Once you’ve created your bot and received your authorization key (token), head over to the Bot API documentation to start configuring your bot.
Find relatives – a bot created on the initiative of the “International Cyber Security Association” and other public organizations.
If there are Russian/Belarusian citizens among the owners of the company, this will be indicated in the company card.
Free online medical consultations. There are more than 1,700 authorized doctors who help 100+ Ukrainians every day.
Transmit information about locations of deployment, movement, volumes of military equipment and personnel of the occupier. The specified information will be immediately transferred to the Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The bot will help identify questionable information in a few clicks. Send social media messages, photos, videos and links. Your message immediately goes to the team, which will quickly check the information for verification using artificial intelligence.
MedicalForUA_bot is a Telegram bot designed to provide medical information and consultations to Ukrainian users. It was created to facilitate the availability of medical services and reference information directly through the Telegram messenger.
A bot for capturing photo and video evidence of murders, violence, robberies of civilians or military occupiers.
Bot for free online doctor consultation booking. More than 300 authorized doctors of various specialties work.
The bot knows how to receive Russian and Belarusian phone numbers and calls automatically and tells the truth about the real situation in Ukraine.
In Ukraine, a bot was created to search for those who disappeared during the war “Find relatives.
Shows the shelters or other safe places closest to you (so far only in Kyiv).
The bot answers the most frequently asked questions about labor relations during the war.