Analysis of fires in russia and their impact on the economy

27 February 2024 7 minutes Author: Cyber Witcher

More than two hundred fires were registered in Russia, according to the results for 2023. OSINT specialists analyzed data on fires at industrial facilities, shopping and entertainment centers, military and logistics bases, warehouses and oil storage facilities of the aggressor country. In the article, we share the conclusions of the analysis.

The number of fires in the Russian Federation is increasing by 14%

Although the number of fires may decrease in some months, the general trend is clear. This trend has been observed since the beginning of the year. Monthly statistics of fires in Russia show that July is quite “sluggish”. However, 44 fires are almost double the number of fires in the same month in 2022. A comparison of the statistics for three months also shows that the decline is not so sharp: from April to June there were 288 fires, from July to September 210 fires were registered in Russia.

The number of fires in the Russian Federation since the beginning of 2023

As we can see in the graph above, September 2023 was marked by another outbreak of fires.

For comparison, fire statistics for the past year

From the beginning of 2023 to September, there have already been 710 fires in Russia; in 2022, the annual number of fires was 414. An overall upward trend in the number of fires is evident: the average increase for all months from February 2022 to September 2023 is 14.85%.

As we have already noted in previous articles, on December 12, 2022, the Ukrainian charitable foundation “Return Alive” announced the completion of the collection for the “Black Box” project. Later there was a message from the GUR, according to which Moscow suffered a loss of 700 million dollars precisely from the “Black Box”.

In this graph, the start of the “Black Box” project is marked in red

After the GUR statement, we can trace that the number of fires in Russia is increasing by approximately 14.85% every month. Although this is not a stable number and it changes every month, there is a clear trend towards an increase in fires in Russia.

What and where is burning in Russia?

We analyze fire statistics in various regions of Russia on a quarterly basis. In particular, we pay attention to five regions leading in the number of fires. The graph below shows the five regions with the highest number of fires. The following regions of Russia are represented here: Moscow Region, Leningrad Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Rostov Region and Krasnoyarsk Region. It can be seen that this list has not changed compared to the previous one. Only the number of fires has changed.

Top 5 regions of Russia, which are leaders in the number of fires

Only in the Moscow region, warehouses burned down most often. The situation is similar in other regions, where they burn most often. Warehouses are destroyed by fire about four times more often than shopping malls, and 30 times more often than military factories and oil refineries. However, this applies only to these five regions. In general, if you look at the situation more broadly, it is somewhat different.

Percentage ratio of fires at various types of enterprises in Russia in the 3rd quarter of 2023.

General statistics show that most fires occur in factories, accounting for almost half (46.2%) of all fires. Fires in warehouses are also common – 34.8% of all fires. This is almost three times more than fires in shopping centers, which account for just over 11%. In Russia, fires at factories occur ten times more often than at oil refineries.

General statistics of fires in the Russian Federation since January 2022 by categories of affected objects

In September, there were almost 100 fires. This is 4 times more than in the same month last year. July surpassed last year’s figure twice. Let’s consider separately the types of enterprises that are burning in the Russian Federation.

Trends in fires at factories in Russia

Statistics show that the number of factory fires has continued to rise since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion. The largest number – 43 – was recorded in May this year. Almost the same number – 42 – was in September of this year.

The number of fires in Russian warehouses

We also see that this trend is constantly growing. Although there was a fall in July 2023. In September, there were 34 fires again. At the same time, only 9 warehouses burned down in September 2022.

Fires in warehouses with liquor, household chemicals and a foundry. Case examples.

The Russians were left without booze

900 m² of the “Russian dream” burned down – on July 26, an alcohol warehouse burned in the Krasnodar Territory. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, and later the sad news for Russians was also spread by online publications and Telegram channels.

65 Russians and 17 pieces of equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire

“Sounds of explosions are getting louder”

This is a quote from one of the witnesses of the fire in the city of Yekaterinburg. Warehouses also caught fire there. It happened at night on July 12 — the Russians woke up to explosions. A red flame rose above the city, which, it seems, frightened the Russians.

Photo from the scene. Fire near Yekaterinburg

The fire covered 1,300 m² of warehouses. According to the official reports of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, wooden pallets were burning in open areas. But it doesn’t look like wooden pallets explode so loudly.

An industrial building in Omsk was on fire

A fire on July 4 in Omsk started on the roof of an industrial building and quickly spread to 800 m². The message does not say what kind of enterprise it is.

A fire at an industrial plant in the city of Neftyaniki in Russia

13 units of equipment and 52 employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations were involved in extinguishing the fire. The fire was extinguished by the evening. It is also not known about the victims.

Fire in the military unit

In the city of Georgievsk, a fire broke out in a warehouse with things on the territory of a military unit. 300 m² burned. The number of Russians and equipment involved in the extinguishing was not reported, but in the news it was written that the fire department of the military unit and equipment from the city of Georgievsk were involved.

A view of the fire in the military part of the city of Georgievsk

Fire at the OZON warehouse. Again

On August 20, a warehouse of the Russian marketplace “Ozon” caught fire in the city of Podolsk, Moscow region. The fire covered 500 m². At the same time, the Russian news reports that there were no goods in this warehouse. They also write that there are no victims. This is not the first time that the warehouse of this company has been on fire. Also, in August 2022, one of the largest fires occurred, which we talked about in the analysis of fires in 2022. Then it became one of the biggest fires of the year — the fire destroyed 50,000 m² of Ozon warehouses.

An increase in the number of fires in Russia may affect the economic and social situation in the country. If production enterprises, factories and shopping centers constantly suffer from fires, this can lead to production losses and a decrease in economic activity.

Yes, the current year is becoming a record for the number of fires in Russia: if there were a little more than 400 fires in the whole of 2022, then in 2023 there will be 710 of them. By the end of the year, this figure may be even higher. However, it is already clear that Russia is engulfed in fire, and the number of fires will only increase. In the Moscow region, where fires occur most often, warehouses often burn. However, it is factories that most often burn across Russia. In the last quarter, warehouses were the main object of fires throughout Russia.

The information was taken from the open sources of Molfar

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