One of the fundamental aspects of network design is the division of the network into subnets, or subnetting, which allows you to effectively manage the address space, increase security, and improve network performance. In this article, we will review the key concepts and practical aspects of network subnetting.
Subnet A – 100 nodes
Subnet B – 50 nodes
Subnet C – 20 nodes
Subnets D – 2 nodes
Subnet E – 2 nodes
Subnet F – 2 nodes
Use the cheat sheet above (namely the “BIN to DEC” table). The first subnet A needs to be allocated IP addresses for 100 nodes. In the “BIN to DEC” table, we see that by taking one bit out of eight in the mask, we get 1 bit to the network portion (which is 2 subnets) and 7 bits to the address portion (01111111 = 127). 127 together with zero in number equals 128, this is the full number of addresses that satisfies the requirements (and there are even a few addresses to spare). And yes, we change the mask from “/24” to “25” (in binary format it will be 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000). Let’s apply a new mask to our network and get 2 subnets (I will highlight the portion of the network in bold): 1 – 11000000.10101000.00000000.0 0000000 (network 192.100.000) hedgehog
In the two new networks, the network portion is 7 bits. Using the formula (which is in the cheat sheet), we will check whether 7 bits are enough for a network with 100 nodes. 2^7-2=128-2=126, which means 7 bits gives us 126 node addresses. (Let me remind you of the formula: 2^X-2=number of addresses for nodes, where X is equal to the number of zeros, and “-2” is for special addresses that cannot be assigned to nodes.)
We have one network left,, and we need an address for nodes for subnet B 50. As before, we can see in the table “BIN to DEC” 00111111 = 63, this is more than 50, which means it meets the requirements. We occupy one more bit near the portion of the address, which remains 6 (2 6-2 = 62). The mask becomes one more than /26, we apply it to our network and get two new subnets (I will highlight the portion of the network in bold): 1 – 11000000.10101000.00000000.10 000000 (network . 0000000.11 000000 (network We also separate 1 bit from the node address portion (00011111 = 31, which more than 20, and therefore suits us), the mask is already /27.
1- 11000000.10101000.00000000.110 00000 (network
2 – 11000000.10101000.00000002 27)
1 – 11000000.10101000.00000000.11100000 (network .
2 – 11000000.10101000.00000000.111001 00 (network
3 – 11000000.10101000.00000000.111010 00 (network