Most likely, you have already heard the phrase “it is necessary to sow content” somewhere, and you did not understand, and here it is content and gardening. Content seeding — placement of information about the company on sites on the Internet where the target audience of the product being promoted is located. When seeding content, either a small useful article with a link to the site, or a short instruction to the main article with a link to this article is published. Seeding in marketing is the process of spreading content, which may or may not succeed if the seeding places are left for better ones. Here they are and a direct connection with crop production. Sowing in the right place = growth, in the wrong place = no growth. After carrying out high-quality seeding, readers should become repeaters of the content, that is, start recommending it to their friends and relatives, publish it on other platforms, in social networks, on blogs, forums, etc., as a result of which this content spreads across the network and brings new customers to the company.
If the owner of the company will not tell anyone about his products, no one will know about them and no one will buy anything. But if you publish a link to a new article on your social network, then this link will not come to new visitors, but to those who already use the products or have previously shown interest in the company’s activities. Therefore, seeding should be used thoughtfully so that it brings new potential customers to the company. At first glance, everything is very simple and clear. But with a more detailed study of this process, it turns out that there are many nuances, without knowledge and consideration of which it is simply impossible to place the necessary information in a high-quality and perspective way and get the desired result. Therefore, we decided to understand the intricacies of sowing in more detail and share it with you. In this article, we will talk about how to make crops correctly so that your content always blooms.
We appreciate the mood of all Ukrainians and yes, we really know that some of the listed resources belong to the Russian Federation. As practice has shown, the country is 💩, and the quality of the offered offers is frankly not very good, but this is great, because they will spend money on low-quality goods, and we, in turn, will make money from them and donate the earned funds to the Armed Forces ! Let them buy, and if we take into account that the military operations have been going on for 9 months – we understand that our army really needs support. Study, read, and learn from someone else’s, and don’t shy away from your own…
There are many places where you can link to your content. The main thing is to remember the golden rule – all placements should be organic and thematic. You can’t post an article about male supremacy in a feminist group, although the effect can be interesting, 100% hypanet. Also, remember that seeding is not spam. It is not possible to grow a good crop by simply scattering the seeds around. Everything should be in moderation and in its place. The main channels where we will sow:
In general, here you are limited only by your imagination and the golden rule. If you have many opportunities to distribute your content, make the most of them. In general, the main cases when crops are needed are if you need to spread a promotion, an event, an infomercial or you need to distribute content. Although any promotion is a kind of content, we put them in a separate category, because the distribution of info drives is different from the distribution of content.
Usually, the result of sowing is evaluated according to the following metrics:
- Number of links to the article
- Performing conversion actions (registration, download, subscription, installation, purchase)
- Social activity (comments, likes and reposts of content, installation of the program)
Ideally, each channel should have its own label, by which you can evaluate the traffic and monitor its characteristics. The main traffic evaluation metrics:
- Failure rate
- Depth of views
- Time spent on page
- Availability of leads from the channel (conversion percentage)
Number of unsubscribes (if the channel is linked to the newsletter)
The following picture emerges: you distribute your content, wait for some time and start analyzing traffic and conversions. After analyzing each seeding channel, you will be able to weed out those that do not suit you and understand which channels you should emphasize. For example, if it’s social media that’s driving high-quality traffic, you might want to post to more groups than originally planned.
In fact, choosing a site for sowing is difficult only for the first time. Then you will already have a list and the work will go smoothly. You can make an initial list by analyzing competitors. Just look at where they are placed. In addition to competitors, be sure to attract your own sources and start new ones. Do not forget about paid crops. In general, each type of source has its own criteria by which it should be evaluated.
For distribution on sites::
We look at the resource’s traffic. There is no point in publishing on a site that has no traffic. This is not link building.
Where the content will be placed. If on the back doors of the site, where the visitor simply does not reach – there is no sense either.
The possibility of SEO and bringing the article to the top is a very nice bonus if your article takes a leading position in the search query. So the content will be greener for longer and will bring conversions.
Accommodation conditions. Some sites charge unheard of money for guest posting, compare the potential profit and costs.
Ability to place a link. To sow content, the effect of which we will not be able to collect is pointless.
Distribution of content to other areas of the site. It will be nice if, in addition to posting on the site, your content.
Make a list of sites in your niche that are willing to host content on a paid or free basis. Also collect a database of Emails that you will use to send out press releases. Usually, sites are reluctant to host other people’s content, but the situation changes when it comes to promotions or press releases about new updates. Such content is especially well placed by aggregators.
For social networks:
Here, first of all, you should look at community outreach. It is best to have access to group statistics, but not everyone is ready to share them, especially at the selection stage.
Be sure to see how well users like posts in the group and comment on them. Ideally, you should look at crops like yours.
What the comments write is good. But it is necessary to evaluate the emotional color of the comments. If everyone is hated in a row and poured with dirt – it’s bad, but tolerable, you didn’t come there for the love of the user. If users write interesting comments, this is generally a great sign.
Community topics. There is no point in seeding in a non-thematic group. You will not see transitions.
Thought leaders. In addition to the communities themselves, you can make crops on the pages and records of opinion leaders and simply popular users. Now a lot of content is created under a personal brand and on personal pages, there you can get quite a good reach.
As with sites, crops can be made for a fee or for free. Usually, for free your links are willing to host communities with a small reach that have something to post, or you need to create a really cool study that a large group will find interesting and will host it for free. In other cases, you will definitely have to pay money to get transfers. The more popular the group, the more expensive it will cost you to seed in it.
For mailings:
Base size
The thematic base
Behavioral factors in mailing
The percentage of opening and reading letters
Percentage of users who follow links.
Other sources:
If you’re posting on blog platforms like Zen, it’s best to look at the size and reach of the channel. It is best to have your own channel, which you can further develop at the expense of such crops.
Don’t forget to post all materials on your social media pages. You may not be a particularly popular user, but you don’t have to pay anything for it.
If you have multiple sites, you can mix audiences by seeding each other. So you monetize the same user twice.
If you are an active user of the forums and have pumped accounts, you can make crops both in the forum branches and in your personal signature.
If you make a video, be sure to add links to new articles in the description of the video and in the first pinned comment.
If your site has its own mobile application, don’t forget to send the article there as well.
As you might have understood, seeding content is placing a link to it in all possible sources from which you can get even a little reach and traffic. The main thing is not to slip into banal spam. Everything must be done wisely, and so you can attract thousands of users to one article, and without the participation of search engines.
In addition to those described above, there are a number of external factors that should be taken into account when distributing material. Let’s list them:
Seasonality. There is no point in posting the article “how to prepare the house for the new year” in May. No one needs that at this time of year. In December, the article would bomb, but certainly not in May.
Theme and mood of the source site. The fact that it should be in the topic is already clear, but it is worth paying attention to the general mood of the site. Posting an article about your company on a site where all companies are hated is such an idea.
We have dealt with the theory, now let’s move on to practice. How exactly the content seeding work should take place:
There is a need to distribute a promotion or a press release. Let’s take as an example a large dental campaign in a big city.
We are searching for sources whose audience is mainly from this city and is interested in dental services. These are dental aggregators, their communities in social networks, mailing lists, social networks of famous dentists.
Content is created for each source separately. For social networks, promotional posts, for personal pages, text recommending the promotion, for the website, text + promo. We can use the text for the site in the newsletter.
Content is posted where it is paid, where it is not.
Campaign statistics are collected. It is important to evaluate the audience received on the first day, and the following ones separately. It is necessary to understand how many conversions we get at the same time, and how many in a long period of time, measuring the term “greenness” of the content. It is possible to evaluate the positions of sources in search engines, if the content was created in response to a request.
Corrections are made, the database of sources for the next newsletter is reviewed.
additional influx of audience from the donor community.
a higher percentage of reaching the target audience;
relatively low price (and if you are lucky, even free);
the maximum breadth of coverage – you can find as many relevant communities as you like and agree on cooperation with each of them;
increasing loyalty from the audience – if the seeds are in very popular communities or broadcast by opinion leaders, the level of your reputation in the eyes of users increases significantly;
The trick is that working with crops is also profitable for the placing party. This is not only an additional income, but also a way to raise your status in the eyes of subscribers and other communities. The more crops correspond to the topic of the group, the more loyal the audience will receive it. But do you know what else is special about crops? They do not have to be designed as an advertising record. Below are examples of crops created in the best traditions of guerilla marketing:
You need to remember that the broadcast of your message should be aimed at the target audience, otherwise you will simply give money for a useless publication. We work according to the same scheme with reviews: we leave the most natural comments on the right platforms, which will be seen by the audience we need.
Here, knowledgeable people might have a question — what is the difference between targeted advertising in social networks and crops? A very good question, I will answer you! 🙂 In fact, the difference will become obvious if you know the definitions of these two terms well. Targeted advertising is exactly advertising that is created through an advertising cabinet, and the audience for it is selected according to specific parameters. Also, targeted advertising is fully paid and is marked with the corresponding label “Advertising record” or “Advertising”. Such advertising can lead not only to the community, but also, for example, to the site. Crops in social networks are not marked additionally and can be free. They are aimed more at expanding the reach of the audience, because here you cannot set any parameters for displaying your ad. That’s the whole difference. You yourself decide what is more important and how quickly you want to achieve the result. From the point of view of reputation, crops are perceived by the audience much more loyally than advertising. There are several reasons for this:
The submission itself. The vast majority of users of social networks have been ingrained in the subcortex since childhood that advertising is bad. This is the imposition of useless things or services, and in general something good would not be advertised, because it does not need advertising. Therefore, when we see an advertisement in our feed, we often reflexively perceive it negatively and do not pay attention.
Successful design. Often, excessively colorful pictures, strange banners and overly “original” texts are used for targeted advertising. Agree, few people will like such creativity. Of course, you can create something similar in crops, and in this case, nothing will save you from the righteous anger of users, but most often they look like ordinary, familiar posts to the user.
Audience parameters. Remember how many times when scrolling the feed and discovering the next advertising record, you were visited by the thought: why am I seeing this? The point here is the skills of the specialist who set up the ad. Incorrectly set geo-parameters or interest parameters could lead to the fact that a person, let’s say, from one city sees ads for residents of another city.
Before that, we said that it is enough to choose a community appropriate for the topic. But is it really so? First, think about your target audience. Do you know who these people are? How detailed is the portrait of your CA? If you are not sure of the answer, then it is too early to look for a community for crops. If you are sure of the audience, let’s start looking for suitable communities. This is probably the easiest step. You can search manually by simply entering keywords into the social network search and sifting through the results. And you can automate the process.
The second, no less important question is what to look for when considering a potential partnership with the community. For starters, see if the community is alive at all? Look at the date of the last post, the activity of subscribers and their reaction to early promotional posts (if they remain). Also estimate the number of subscribers and the presence among them of “dead dogs” – users whose pages have been deleted.
A similar phenomenon of the “pet cemetery” occurs when the community administration inflates the number of subscribers through special exchanges. As a rule, on such exchanges, performers perform tasks (subscribe, like, leave a comment, etc.) from fake pages, which are quickly deleted by moderators. In this case, the quality of subscribers turns into quantity, which is bad for both advertising and reputation.
Also, some large communities, which often take advertising crops to their page, start a separate discussion for feedback on the effectiveness of advertising in them. A similar move with feedback on the effectiveness of advertising is used only by units and very for nothing. This shows how seriously the administration takes its customers and how cool it is to work with them. It is also worth paying attention to the terms of cooperation. Some conditions are located in the community menu, in discussions, or even in the products, and somewhere you need to contact the community administrator directly for them.
Do not think that the work ends there. When you have found a community that is suitable for the price and topic, make arrangements with the administration to have the opportunity to review the statistics. Usually, such a request is treated loyally, because it is a very important parameter for the success of the advertising campaign.
The graph shows data collected over almost a year. The parameters we are interested in are shown in color:
total reach – the number of users who viewed the records.
coverage of subscribers is actually the activity of the subscribers themselves.
true reach – the number of people who are not subscribers but still monitor the recordings.
ad reach – the number of users who saw ads from the community itself, not in the community.
What should be the community in social networks, so that the crops in it are effective:
interesting Any topic can be made so that it will not leave anyone indifferent. The more diverse the content, the more the user wants to stay in the community.
Beautiful Do not forget that not only the site has a corporate style. It is not necessary to do everything in trendy colors, but there should be one well-established style in the design of posts and other blocks.
I live It is necessary to evaluate the activity of the site on which you are going to place crops, but you should not forget about your own account. In any case, a new audience will not like it if the last post was published 2 years ago, has almost no views and only two likes. If we are talking about the official community of the company, then there should not be such a picture that there are only one or two comments under the posts. Communicate with the audience. It will be great if your customers can leave a review about the product or service directly in the community.
And so, our community looks great – it lives an active and interesting life. The selected public for placement of crops meets all parameters, and the crop itself is ready and placed. What’s next? And then we move on to the most interesting. The main secret of seeding posts is that this is not just a post in your group, but a special promotional post that is created through the advertising cabinet. That’s it, all the cards are revealed. To create a promotional post, you need:
In order to track the result from all crops, you will have to create a separate promotional post for each community. It is not very convenient in terms of implementation, but cheap and furious, as they say.