The portrait of a potential buyer is not only his gender, age and location. To make a really useful description of the target audience, you need to dig deeper: make friends with people, learn about their values and lifestyle. Different methods that we discuss in this material can help with this. Your customers are living people, which means they have their own preferences, problems and needs, which must be taken into account when developing a sales offer. To sell a product (service), you need to find people who need it and understand how and for what they will use it. After – clarify what they pay attention to. Then – deal with superstitions and objections. To convince the client to make a purchase, you need to convey the sales offer to him in a language he understands. All this forms a portrait of the client.
In short, a client portrait is needed to develop a marketing system – to create a selling site, fine-tune advertising campaigns, write a useful email newsletter, select social networks used by the target audience. Understanding who buys your product and why makes it possible to make a site that sells – so that it consistently satisfies interest and closes the customer’s questions, doubts and objections. The selling site is developed according to the portrait of a specific client, so target visitors who fall under it “warm up” as they interact with the landing page. Magic happens – they see the information they were interested in, get answers to their questions and make sure that the product meets their personal selection criteria. Immersion in business can take from a few days to several months. As a result, you get a detailed portrait of several groups of buyers. What’s next? Detailed research results of your customers will be useful in practice. The better you make a portrait, the faster you will find the right path in business!
Segmentation by main characteristics is one of the popular methods, which collects all possible information about a group of people: gender and age, location, marital status and children, nationality and religion, which generation (X, Y, Z), education, field activities and income. In addition, the motives for purchase, the main values of the audience, the lifestyle of people and what they focus on when choosing a product (reviews, advice from loved ones, etc.) are studied.
To compile a portrait of a potential customer, it is important to find out the reasons for the purchase (a gift, the need for the product), the criteria when choosing (cost, quality, additional bonuses), how the product is bought (emotionally or rationally) and for what purposes a person will use it (for example, exercise machine for weight loss). Here, you can use the persona method for support – when images of potential customers are created. In fact, “fictional” characters are formed, which are endowed with the characteristics of buyers. Each persona here will represent one group of consumers.
For example, a card with a portrait of a client for a healthy food service might look like this.
Tatiana, 39 years old, single, no children. Lives in Kharkiv, higher education. He works as a chief manager in the sales department of a fitness center. Salary – 15,000 hryvnias. Hobbies – dances and competitions for cats. She cooks little herself, often orders delivery. Wants to achieve a great figure, start eating right and not spend a lot of money, ready to learn a few recipes.
Service. We describe what may be important to consumers: remote format, not recording, but live communication with the teacher, various subjects.
Parents with children. Here it is important not to forget about adults, because usually it is not children who pay for the courses. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and goals of parents.
Reason for purchasing courses. For example, preparation for DPA with a transfer to another educational institution/transition to senior classes or preparation for external examinations.
The best time to launch such courses is September/October, but the launch should be announced in advance.
In Internet. Emphasize that it is possible to practice from anywhere (that is, parents may not travel around the city, transporting children to courses).
Another method of CustDev (Customer Development) will allow you to understand exactly what product your potential customer needs. The essence of the approach is to develop a product or service based on an analysis of the needs of future customers. The method allows you to quickly test ideas, check product positioning, study communication channels and find new user segments. It is best to use CustDev before developing a product concept.
Conducting CustDev includes four stages: identification of the client, its verification and engagement, and the final one – creation of the company. At the first stage, information about potential buyers is collected to test their trading hypotheses. Consumer problems, needs, and their interest in the product are clarified. The sources of information can be both direct conversations with the audience (in public places, on forums and social networks), and polls in social networks, product testing in a closed group or data collection services. If you want to get the opinion of your subscribers/customers about a new product, then as a motivation you can offer them a discount or a small raffle with gifts for participating. The main task here is to find out whether people have a request for your product, how convenient it is to use, what are its pros and cons, price and quality. Conducting CustDev includes four stages: identification of the client, its verification and engagement, and the final one – creation of the company. At the first stage, information about potential buyers is collected to test their trading hypotheses. Consumer problems, needs, and their interest in the product are clarified. The sources of information can be both direct conversations with the audience (in public places, on forums and social networks), and polls in social networks, product testing in a closed group or data collection services.
If you want to get the opinion of your subscribers/customers about a new product, then as a motivation you can offer them a discount or a small raffle with gifts for participating. The main task here is to find out whether people have a request for your product, how convenient it is to use, what are its pros and cons, price and quality.
The advantage of CustDev is that the method allows you to create a product based on the real market situation (and on tested hypotheses). As a result, the company learns about the real needs of people, reduces the risk of failure, and has a chance to improve and eliminate the shortcomings of the product. In addition, CustDev provides information about potential consumers, which can be a convincing argument for investors, and helps track the performance of competitors by focusing on user feedback.
As for the disadvantages, CustDev does not allow you to keep your ideas completely secret until the project is launched. Also, this method is not one of the fastest: the start of sales will be delayed until all hypotheses have been tested. Thus, CustDev works with consumers to cover human needs as much as possible with its product. Thanks to the analysis of the audience, you can find out about the reasons for the drop in sales or the lack of demand for the product. Therefore, this method is suitable both for startups with a new product and for existing players who are improving their product.
When looking for information to build a consumer portrait, it is best to rely directly on feedback from people. That is, to arrange surveys, ask to fill out questionnaires and leave feedback. Then you can directly receive important information about the product.
Or you can use third-party services that provide more indirect data, but, nevertheless, they will also help in the work. For example, the Google Analytics system is suitable for analyzing site visits. You can also analyze leads in CRM services. The Similarweb service is used to help create a client portrait: it provides information about interesting categories, search queries, and traffic sources.
In order to create an appropriate portrait of the client, which would be useful in sales, it is necessary not only to analyze statistics and socio-demographic characteristics, but also to take into account the interests, environment, and motives of the buyer. Or the context within which the product is chosen, as in the case of JTBD. It is important to choose suitable platforms for product promotion and offer people the product they need. At the same time, it is not necessary to use only one method, they can be combined in order to fully adapt to the image of a potential client.