Today, the world continues to move and evolve as a virtual society, where criminals are no longer the traditional stereotype of a hooded man who comes in the middle of the night to rob your home. Cybercriminals or “hackers” are ordinary people who sit at a computer screen and initiate attacks on individuals, organizations and governments, all without leaving their own homes. The line between online and reality continues to blur, making cybercrime a major challenge for every organization in the world. The situation around the “new world” is accelerating digital transformation in all sectors, but it also has its downsides. IT security faces new challenges and hidden threats, where the biggest problem is that something is created, launched, and only when it becomes clear how safe it really is. The old adage is true: prevention is always better than cure. So, in order to defeat hackers, you have to think and act like them! But this is the question of the ethical hacker’s certificate.
Certification tests ensure that the hacker not only understands the technology, but also the ethical responsibility of the work. Because many employers have no experience, certification assures them that the candidate is qualified. A certified ethical hacker is a recognized, qualified information security professional with proven knowledge and experience in finding vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities in target systems. They use the same approach and tools as attackers to assess and secure the system. The role of an ethical hacker is multifaceted. You need to be a master of computer code, network architecture, cryptography, and write reports – and be able to present your findings to senior management. You also need to learn to think like a criminal who wants to break into a secure system, but with less time and training. A criminal hacker can spend as much time as necessary to study the system before launching an attack. You, on the other hand, may have a week or two to prepare. Once you have completed the login simulation of the client (or employer), you will need to analyze the script and write a detailed report. This report should include a breakdown of the problem for management, suggestions for improvement, and a plan for how to implement these updates or other changes.
So, are you thinking of getting an eWPT certification? Let’s talk briefly about what the exam is, what to expect, who it is for, how to study, and what tips and tricks will help during the exam. What is eWPT in general? eWPT is a certification test from eLearnSecurity that tests skills for testing web applications in the real world. INE offers a professional web application penetration testing course (WAPT). The exam is a skills-based test that requires candidates to perform real-world web application testing simulation. The exam covers most of the basics required for web application penetration testing . This is useful for BugBounty hunters, penetration testers, security researchers, CTF players, and web application developers. Anyone with a basic knowledge of JS and HTML programming can take a course and take an exam. obtaining a certificate – training in INE’s Cyber Security Pass. With Cyber Security Pass, you can take all the security-related courses provided by INE, with unlimited access to labs, so you can practice as much as you want without any restrictions. After training you need to pass an exam. You get 7 days to test the web application, find vulnerabilities and meet exam objectives. You need to identify as many vulnerabilities as possible, achieving the goal of the exam is a prerequisite, but not enough to actually pass. Although some of the vectors you learn in the course do not make it to the exam, the exam still tests you well on most of the 10 most popular OWASP attack vectors. After the exam, you have another 7 days to write a test report and upload it to the portal.
eWPT certifies pentesters who have high technical knowledge in the field of web application security. Anyone can pass the certification exam, but the following skills are required to successfully pass the candidate:
eLearnSecurity eWPT is the only certification for web application pentesters that assesses your ability to attack a target and provides comprehensive professional documentation and recommendations.
The candidate will receive real participation in the INE virtual laboratory. You will need an Internet connection and VPN software to take this exam.
Whether you are trying to take the eWPTv1 certification exam on your own or after attending one of our approved training courses, you need to follow these steps to get certified:
⦁Purchase a voucher for the certification exam
⦁ Start the certification process
⦁ Pass an exam
⦁Download your report
⦁Get the results
Consider what is eCPPT? eCPPT stands for eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester. eCPPT is a 100% practical and respected ethical hacking and penetration testing specialist certified on all seven continents. eCPPT is a certification for people with a high technical understanding of networks, systems and attacks on web applications. Anyone can try to pass the certification exam, but for a successful outcome I recommend the following skills: understanding the list of obligations and basics related to penetration testing, deep understanding of network concepts, manual operation of Windows and Linux, assessing network vulnerabilities with Metasploit for integrated and multi-stage operation of various systems and OS. The eCPPT exam reflects a realistic approach. You do a complete penetration test. You have 7 days for the practical part and 7 days for the report. You can start the exam whenever you want by pressing a few buttons, which is extremely convenient.
When you click “Start Exam”, you instantly get the scope of the test, the rules of interaction and reporting requirements. The lab environment is deployed and you will be presented with a VPN configuration file to connect to. After simply editing the / etc / hosts file, everything is ready. You have one week to compromise your goals by volume, and another week to complete the report and download it for evaluation. It is possible to fail this exam, so it requires a lot of knowledge and better practice. The exam takes a realistic approach, and it may be difficult for someone. The full term of the exam is 14 days, so I would not recommend sending a report in advance. It is better to work with the test all 7 days. And also write a balanced and complete report. Try to fill in the gaps, do the lab again and look for information online. Write a good report and send it. The instructor will give you a review with a hint, and you have 7 days for the second attempt and another 7 days for the second report.
Everyone can try to pass the certification exam, but for a successful result you need to have the following skills:
Understanding the list of commitments and the basics involved
with penetration testing
Ability to use post-operational techniques
Excellent reporting skills
HIPAA is an abbreviation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, passed by Congress in 1996. The act consists of five sections. Section I of the HIPAA protects health insurance for workers and their families when they are transferred, laid off or lose their jobs. Section II of the HIPAA, known as the Administrative Simplification Regulation, requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health transactions and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans and employers. Section III of HIPAA sets out guidelines for accounting for pre-tax medical expenses, Section IV of HIPAA sets out guidelines for group health insurance plans, and Section V of HIPAA regulates insurance policies owned by the company. and the availability of all electronic protected medical information; identify and protect against perceived threats to information security; protect against alleged unauthorized use or disclosure of information; The HIPAA Privacy Policy requires health care providers and organizations, as well as their business partners, to develop and adhere to procedures that ensure the confidentiality and security of protected medical information (PHI) when it is transmitted, received, processed or distributed. This applies to all forms of PHI, including paper, oral, electronic, etc. In addition, only the minimum health information required to conduct business should be used or transmitted. HIPAA provisions apply to covered legal entities and business partners, which are defined as health plans, health care centers and health care providers which perform certain electronic transactions. HIPAA certification has two meanings. This can be either instant accreditation, which demonstrates that the organization has passed a HIPAA compliance audit, or recognition that the organization’s employees have reached the level of HIPAA knowledge required to comply with the organization’s policies and procedures. Both accreditations are useful.
To ensure that the organization covered by the insurance is certified as compliant with HIPAA requirements, third-party compliance experts will examine seven areas of compliance:
⦁ Compliance with administrative, technical and physical security measures HIPAA safety regulations. These include (but are not limited to) the audit of assets and devices, the IT risk analysis questionnaire, the physical facility audit, the security standards audit, the privacy standards audit and the HITECH Subtitle D privacy audit.
⦁ Plans to address deficiencies identified during the above audits.
Policies and procedures for complying with HIPAA regulatory requirements and documenting “honest” compliance efforts.
⦁ Employee training program that includes employees’ understanding of the above policies and procedures.
⦁ Audit documentation to ensure that documentation required by HIPAA is maintained and available.
⦁ Management of the business partnership agreement and due diligence procedures.
⦁ Incident management procedures in case of data leakage or violation of the registered HIPAA.
CCNA is an entry-level network certificate that can prepare you to work in IT networks, such as network specialist, network administrator, and network engineer. IT), published by Cisco, a network equipment company. CCNA is designed to validate your knowledge of the core networking concepts that are often requested in IT positions. To obtain CCNA certification, you will need to take the CCNA 200-301 exam offered by Cisco. There are no prerequisites for the exam, but Cisco says CCNA candidates typically have the following experience before the exam: at least one year of using and implementing Cisco products and solutions, basic IP addressing knowledge, network basics. You may receive a certificate CCNA, having passed one exam – CCNA 200-301. The exact number of questions you will receive in the exam may vary, but will be about 120 questions. The minimum passing score can also vary, but will be approximately 800-850 from a maximum score of 1000. To pass the CCNA exam, you need to schedule a test meeting through Pearson VUE, an e-testing company. Pearson VUE has many authorized testing centers around the world, and you can find a testing center nearby. After the COVID pandemic, you could also take the exam at home with your own laptop. If you want to choose a home option, you need to meet the requirements of testing, which include monitoring with a webcam. The exam is available in English and Japanese and lasts 120 minutes. At the end of the test you will immediately receive the results. Cisco provides only basic information about your result, so you can’t be sure which questions you answered correctly and which you answered incorrectly.
Here is a brief overview of the key facts:
⦁ You will need to pass one exam, 200-301 CCNA, to get your CCNA certification.
⦁ As of June 2021, the CCNA exam costs $300 plus tax.
⦁ You will need to pass one exam, 200-301 CCNA, to get your CCNA certification.
⦁ As of June 2021, the CCNA exam costs $300 plus tax.
⦁ There are no prerequisites for taking the exam, but training and some experience working with computer networks is recommended.
training and some experience with computer networks is recommended.
Network Basics (20%): Network components such as routers, switches, and access points; network topology architecture; physical interfaces and types; IPv4 and IPv6 configuration; PI parameters; basics of wireless communication, virtualization and switching.
Network Access (20%): Configuring and verifying VLANs, switch-to-switch connectivity, layer 2 discovery protocols, and EtherChannel; Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol operations; Cisco wireless architectures, AP modes, WLAN physical components, AP and WLC management connectivity, and wireless LAN access.
IP connection (25%): routing tables; deciding on a router; configuration and verification of IPv4 and IPv6 and OSPFv2 static routing for one area; first hop reservation protocol
IP services (10%): configuration and verification of NAT and NTP; description of DHCP, DNS, SNMP and system log functions; transition behavior using SSH; description of TFTP/FTP
Security basics (15%): security concepts such as threats and their mitigation, physical access control; password policies; access control lists; level 2 security features; wireless network security protocols
Automation and Programmability (10%): Comparison of traditional networks with controller-based networks; automation concept; JSON data interpretation
Penetration testing is one of the most in-demand careers in cybersecurity. Being an “ethical hacker” sounds exciting and is a career goal for many future cybersecurity professionals. There are several certifications that specifically focus on penetration testing, and in this article I’m going to look at one of the most popular, OSCP from Offensive Security. Is OSCP worth our attention? Offensive Security Certified Professional is a respected certification required for many penetration testing jobs. It’s a notoriously difficult and time-consuming exam, but it’s well worth the effort for cybersecurity professionals aspiring to become top-level penetration testers. OSCP is a live, hands-on certification exam where you’ll have 24 hours to crack multiple systems in a lab environment . Remember that these 24 hours are 24 hours straight, not 24 hours over several days, which means your stamina and will to persevere will be severely tested, as well as your time management skills. The exam is set up to simulate a network environment with multiple machines that you will need to use in one step or multiple steps. Each machine in the environment has a so-called “evidence file” that provides proof that you have successfully exploited that machine. Once you find the confirmation file, you will need to take a screenshot of the file as proof. If you do not provide documentation to the proof file, you will not receive credit for hacking that particular system. This 24-hour lab period is monitored, and Offensive Security has very specific rules about what tools and techniques can and cannot be used during of this part of the exam. For example, some techniques such as spoofing are prohibited, while tools such as Metasploit are allowed, but you are limited in their use. Be sure to read all exam requirements before taking the certification exam, as they are very detailed, can change at any time, and will result in disqualification if you don’t follow them. If you’re still confused by the 24-hour concept, understand that Offensive Security aims to make the exam challenging and for you to manage your time well. In their guide they state that you are “expected to take breaks, eat, drink and sleep” so you need to figure out how you need to structure your time and how you approach these things during the 24 hour testing period .After the 24-hour hacking section of the exam, you will have another 24 hours to write and report your results. Note that this 24-hour period starts immediately after the first 24-hour period ends, so you’ll continue for up to 48 consecutive hours depending on how fast you work and how successful you are.
The exam lasts 23 hours and 45 minutes. So much time is used to prove that the candidate has the necessary degree of drive and determination to succeed in the role. During this time, the hackers are subjected to a real practical penetration test in an isolated VPN test network with five victim hosts. They are asked to demonstrate their ability to successfully defend the system.
Once the hacker has completed the exam, he must follow the submission rules. He will be notified by e-mail about the results of the certification exam (passed/failed) within 10 working days after submitting the documentation. A minimum of 70 points is required to pass the exam; those who typed them will receive an email with a link to update and confirm the certificate’s shipping address.