LastPass Password Manager is an application for password management in popular web browsers, systems and mobile devices. With the LastPass plugin, visiting websites will be easier and more secure. Passwords in the LastPass manager are protected by a master password and encrypted locally, as well as synchronized between different web browsers. The program includes Autofiller of forms, which automates entering passwords and filling various forms during registrations on websites. The plugin makes it easy to create an account and import existing passwords from popular password managers and web browsers. LastPass Password Manager allows you to securely exchange passwords, access the site in one click, access data from any computer through a LastPass.com account. The security of passwords is ensured by checking their reliability, protection against keyboard spies and phishing attacks, and limiting access to the account. Even, the free version allows you to use all important functions on any number of devices. Synchronization between Windows or Mac OS, Linux computers, iOS, Android or Windows Mobile mobile devices is available.
Sign up for LastPass and set up Google Chrome extensions https://www.lastpass.com/.
1. Go to the Google Chrome Web Store
2. Find the LastPass for Google Chrome.
3. Click “Add to Chrome”
4. Confirm the installation.
5. After installation, go to LastPass to create an account and master key (master key is a strong password with uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers and special characters).
7. Now when logging in to any site LastPass will offer to save the login information. Good luck!