Trucking companies can be one of the best types of companies to research online because they often contain much more public information than regular companies. Movement of transport, border crossing, “dark” vehicles – all this and much more can be found in the Internet space. Today, there are many tools for finding, collecting and documenting information. Both in shipping and in airspace, it is necessary to control and track cargo and passenger transportation in real time. After all, safety is above all else. Especially since there are all the necessary tools and surveillance resources for this.
Despite the high technical and technological achievements of today, accidents also happen. That’s why a number of resources have been created, offering marine accident and aircraft crash investigation reports, case studies, safety tips and more. Also, there are several databases with both historical and current data on the condition of ships and aircraft with interesting details and facts. Therefore, conducting any investigation, we will have a complete picture of movements in water or air space. Coordinates of any vehicle in real time. What cargo or how many passengers are on board. And also all destinations. It is also quite important that there is a resource with the identification of “dark” boards and illegal, unregistered or irregular fishing vessels. All of this is freely available and this information can be used by ordinary people, as well as journalists or law enforcement officers. That is why transport companies strive to provide extensive, accurate, actionable data and information.
An open public project that provides (near) real-time information about ship movements and their location in harbors and ports.
Vessel position tracking, including a global database of vessels and ports. Marine Tools and important Marine News.
Vessel ownership and identification records. Lists historical information. Access to information through an account.
A resource for very careful surveillance of ships crossing the Bosphorus.
Identification of “dark vessels” and includes the Indonesian level of VMS.
Information about the ship or the arrival of the ship at the destination from the IMO.
A community website for uploading photos and details of vessels sighted around the world.
Massive list of known illegal, unregistered, irregular fishing vessels.
Vessel survey/history database (PSC database) to eliminate non-standard shipping.
National register of aircraft. Search by N-number (aka call sign).
Database of aviation events; you can search by country, registration, year, etc.
Map of North and South America with images of license plates.